Entertainment in RSL, Leagues and Bowling Clubs in Australia
gets a bad rap - a proliferation of mother-in-law jokes, and over-ruched and
bedazzled frocks are probably to blame. But I think it's time that cabaret
became cool again. After all, it doesn't sit too far upstage from Burlesque
which is enjoying a major renaissance. Think Marlene Dietrich in a man's suit
or the smoky charisma of Edith Piaf rather than bad wigs and over-emoting
Shirley Bassey wannabes (don't get me wrong, I love the real Shirley!). I've
been thinking about this for a couple of weeks now, ever since I did my own
first solo cabaret gig - and loved it. Friends have been telling me for a while
that these kind of gigs would be my bag - with your style being so
'theatrical'. It would be rude, after all to actually call me a 'ham'
For many musos nowadays, their bread and butter gigs look
like this: three to five sets of 45 minutes each, packed with popular hits
('Play Khe Sahn, ga wonnn!) They're told to set up in the corner of a room
usually occupied by the pool table. They're one of many distractions in the
room including the telly, the Keno and the pokies. They have to drag in their
own sound system, set it up and be their own sound engineer. The crowd in the
room completely ignores them until the last song of their final set at 1.05am
when they cheer and stomp and beg the exhausted musos to 'play one more, ga
wonnn!' The 'backstage' area is otherwise known as the public toilets and
they'll get dirty looks for their trouble if they dare ask if the soft drinks
are complimentary for the band.
OK, this is
worst case scenario - I am very lucky to be mostly playing venues with old school
entertainment values like The Basement, Notes, Vanguard, Lizotte's and Blue
Beat. And it is this old-schoolness that so impressed me at my cabaret gig. On
arrival I was ushered into a spacious dressing room with lights around the
mirror. I was offered cold drinks, tea and coffee. I was introduced to the MC,
the sound and the lighting engineers. I was welcomed on stage by the more than
600 audience members who were there specifically to be audience members and who
proceeded to hang on ever word sung and spoken. They clapped, cheered and
laughed appropriately and enthusiastically. After my 50 minute set (yes, one
set of 50 minutes) I thanked everybody, picked up my cheque and was home by 1pm
- yes, 1 in the afternoon. And on a Wednesday I might add!
After such
a pleasant experience, I sent emails to eight other cabaret agents asking for
more gigs. Each one replied to my email within 24 hours. If you'd like to come
along and see what I'm on about, check my calendar for the gigs I've titled
'Cabaret'. Of course your presence will be helping to bring down the average
age of the cabaret audience, but being among the youngest people in a room is
actually quite nice. And look, I know that 'Clubland' is hardly musical nirvana
but after what I've discovered, I do think that Cabaret doesn't have to be a dirty word.